COCOCARE - 100% Natural Almond Oil

SKU: C-094508

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  • Cococare 100% Natural Almond Oil is an all-natural moisturizing oil that is easily absorbed – making it a great strengthening nutrient for skin and hair. Expeller pressed to maintain its natural nutritive qualities, this sweet almond oil can be used directly on skin or hair to moisturize (it soaks in quickly) – or as a carrier oil (for an awesome massage). Here are some of our favorite things about this single-ingredient skincare powerhouse:
  • Skin Tone Savior: Cococare 100% Natural Almond Oil is highly emollient. That helps balance moisture absorption and water loss, so almond oil doesn’t just soothe dry skin, it can actually help improve complexion and skin tone. Apply daily after bathing as a daily moisturizer.   
  • A is for Almond: Cococare 100% Natural Almond Oil is naturally chock full of Vitamin A and is antibacterial. That means it can be used to help treat another A: acne. And let’s not forget E: this oil is rich in vitamin E, which has significant antioxidant benefits.
  • Hair Repair: Cococare 100% Natural Almond Oil’s high emollience can fill hair gaps at a cellular level, which can make hair feel smoother and give it a softer texture with regular use. Use a small amount during styling – and as part of a homemade hair mask for an occasional benefit boost!
  • Cococare 100% Natural Almond Oil is #RealDealSkincare: made from real nutrients that really work – and that you’ll really love!